Baby teeth guarantee the child has a healthy and beautiful smile. It holds space in their jaw to allow the permanent teeth to come in properly. The permanent tooth becomes infected when the baby teeth are severely decayed or injured. The rest of the teeth can drift and block the permanent tooth if the baby tooth is removed due to injury.

It is therefore important that parents should know ways about proper dental care for their children. The following are some of the things they should be aware of :

  • Schedule Dental Appointments Early

Schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist as soon as your child’s first tooth emerges. Making dental appointments within six months of a tooth growing is the key to having good dental health. Thereafter, it is recommended to take the child every six months to have their checkup done. This prevents severe problems from occurring in the future.

  • Prevent Exposure to Sugary Foods and Drinks

If you allow your baby to fall asleep with a bottle in its mouth, it paves way for tooth decay. Sweetened water and fruit juice can cause tooth decay if there is prolonged exposure to the child’s teeth.

  • Take Proper Care Regarding Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is a natural reflex and many children suck for a sense of security or to fall asleep. Dental problems with sucking depend on the intensity, frequency, and duration of sucking. It affects their oral development when they constantly suck for a prolonged period.

Thumb-sucking exerts force on the growing teeth and can affect the proper growth of teeth. It is recommended to consult the dentist if these habits affect their tooth alignment.

  • Teach the Child to Brush their Teeth Properly

Brush their teeth with a baby toothbrush as soon as the tooth emerges. You can use fluoridated toothpaste for your child at the age of two. One should not forget to brush their tongue to remove bacteria.

  • Use Fluoride

Fluoride helps to prevent tooth decay. Topical fluoride strengthens existing teeth and repairs areas that are already affected by acidic exposure. Parents should use toothpaste containing topical fluoride. Fluoride supplements and fluoridated water should be given to the child to help make their teeth decay-resistant.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Angela An, D.D.S. General Dentistry to learn more about how to take care of baby teeth. We are located at 490 Post St #1020, San Francisco, CA 94102. Contact us at (415) 291-8668 or visit our website for more information. 

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